Saturday, April 4, 2009

38 Weeks

So I've decided that I'm not playing the waiting game. This baby's coming out on April 23rd-- and that's what I'm going with. It's five days past my official due date and 11 days past my lmp date. I can't do the he-can-come-at-any-time notion so I've decided he's coming on April 23rd. No reason for this particular date or anything but it has helped my sanity almost as much as oranges and dark chocolate have.

On a positive, it looks like Spring is here. If this boy stays in me longer, I'll get more time off in the summer. I keep telling myself this but I also bought a pineapple ;).

Here's the monstrosity as of this morning:

Still no stretch marks....I think I may be magical.

P.S. For those pregnant ladies out there, I found a nifty tool: I've even got the theme song stuck in my head for the Contraction Master! Who needs a stop watch??!! This thing is awesome and you can print out a record. Hurrah for laboring at home before heading to L&D.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Contraction Master! Very interesting website. Although, once you start labor, you may not be thinking about timing it at home and instead "get this baby outta me NOW!" (No worries, I'm not worried, you'll do just fine :))