I feel like I am starting to take hold of the reins of motherhood and with each day I feel less and less as if I'm swimming through murky water. The post partum anxiety is slowly lifting as each day passes.
Thurston changes on a daily basis and it seems like he's growing right before our eyes (sorry to be so cliche!). He's already outgrown most of his newborn clothes and I'm struggling to get through our last package of newborn diapers before switching to size 1. He still swims in 0-3 but only because he has not yet filled out enough to catch up with his length.
Uh oh...the little piranha is starting to stir so I must make this quick. ..
Violet gave birth to her little Declan today (3 1/2 weeks early)! Dave, Thurston, and I visited her and Shane at the hospital this afternoon and got to meet Declan. He is so cute! I can't believe how close our boys are in age. Thurston is merely 2 1/2 weeks older, although they were 7 weeks apart in the womb!
Oh boob is needed now, must go. Pictures of the cute thing below.
A hunky hunky man:
Thurston's absolutely favorite place to 'hang' out:
Relaxing after a big meal (notice the milk dribble ):
Oh so cute. Dave as kangaroo is adorable. That's exciting about Violet -- of course he'd be born on the 13th. :) That's so cool you guys spawned at the same time; they'll be just like brothers. xoxo, can't wait to hear from you. :)
The baby sling on Dave is so adorable! Tell Violent and Shane congratulations! Thurston has a playmate :)
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